Department of State and Municipal Administration
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Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor of APAPKR Zhaparov Turdubek Turdalievich Address: 720040 Bishkek, Panfilov str., 237, room 402 b Contact phone no.: +0312 660638 E-mail: |
The Department of Public Administration and Law is a structural subdivision of the Higher School of Administration of APAPKR, responsible for educational and methodological work within the organization of educational activities at the level of state and global requirements, the generation of new knowledge, as well as the effective use of the intellectual potential of the Academy in the interests of the socio-economic development of the country.
The mission of the Department is the targeted training of highly professional state and municipal servants, the formation of a reserve of management personnel with deep professional knowledge, high organizational and managerial skills, communication qualities and social competence, aimed at achieving success, the ability to quickly and effectively make managerial decisions.
The priority area of the department is the introduction and implementation of the education model, improvement of the structure and content of educational programs implemented in accordance with the program for the development of scientific and educational activities of the Academy, as well as the requirements of international standards and external consumers - the state, society and employers.
The strategic goal of the development of the department is to train qualified state and municipal servants who are ready for professional advancement, personal self-realization and competitive in the labor market.
In perspective, the department should acquire a reputation as one of the key educational, methodological, research centers in the field of educational programs aimed at advanced training and retraining of state and municipal servants, industry (corporate) managers and specialists in the areas of "State and Municipal Administration" and " Law".
The department as its main strategic goal in terms of educational and methodological work in accordance with the strategic goals of APAPKR put the modernization of the educational process, including the development of new educational forms (distance learning), programs and standards, the introduction of new educational technologies and systems to support learning and lifelong education. Special attention will be paid to the organization of methods for checking professional competencies (tests, case studies, business games, oral presentations, etc.).
This will be achieved through modernization of the educational process, including the development of new educational forms, programs and standards, the introduction of new educational technologies and learning support systems, the development of international cooperation in the system of lifelong education using distance learning;
It is necessary to ensure a constant improvement in the quality of the developed programs for the preparation of undergraduates in the State and Municipal Management area. Taking into account the building and debugging of each stage of the trajectory of the development of general cultural and professional competencies of students, and work out the updating of control questions and tasks for assessing professional competencies in the course of mastering undergraduates’ training programs, for these purposes.
Educational and methodical work of the department:
The main types of work in this area are as follows:
- organization of continuous improvement of master's programs for the use in the educational process of the latest research results, including those that were conducted within the Research Department of APAPKR, new regulatory documents in the areas of specialization;
- organization of interuniversity conferences on the methodological support of teaching activities and new educational technologies (case studies, interactive and distance learning, game elements based on educational material of specialties in the form of business games, organizational games, etc.) and
- conducting methodological seminars discussing the latest developments in this regard;
- maintenance of permanent contact with the Educational-Methodical Association of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- more active involvement of practitioners-managers and organization of their regular guest lectures;
- conducting "field" practical exercises directly in state and local government bodies, government agencies, local government administrations.
In accordance with the professional directions of the preparation of bachelor's and master's programs in the direction of "State and Municipal Administration", it is necessary to carry out various forms of integration of educational activities with industrial practice through interaction with:
- ministries and departments of the Kyrgyz Republic,state services, departments of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic,
- local governments throughout the country.
Teaching staff:
- Arapova E.B. - Ph.D., Docent (Associate Professor)
- Abdramanova Ch.Sh. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Acting Docent (Acting Associate Professor)
- Abdrakhimova N.D. - Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Alymkulov M.S. - Doctor of Philosophy, Acting Professor
- Amanaliev U.O. - Doctor of Law, Acting professor
- Akmataliev A.A. - Ph.D., Professor
- Asanov N. - Senior Lecturer
- Baimuldinova A.T. - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Docent (Associate Professor)
- Begaliev S.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Bolponova A.B. - Doctor of History, Acting Docent (Acting Associate Professor)
- Baizakov A.B. - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
- Bazarbaev K.B. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Acting Docent (Acting Associate Professor)
- Eginaliev M.S. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Duisho k. N. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Zhaparov T.T. - Doctor of Economics, Professor of APAPKR
- Kochkunov A.S. - Doctor of History, Professor of APAPKR
- Kasymova E.Zh. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Koshoev T.S. - Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Professor of APAPKR
- Torogeldieva B.M. - Doctor of Political Sciences, Acting Docent (Acting Associate Professor)
- Lesteva T.A. - Senior Lecturer
- Murzaev S.K. - Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Professor of APAPKR
- Mambetalieva E.Zh. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Ozhukeeva T.O. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
- Sayakbaev T.J. - Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Acting Docent (Acting Associate Professor)
- Khamisov V.M. – Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Esenbaev A.E. - Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)
- Eshenkulov P.E. - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Docent (Associate Professor)
Educational programs
The educational activity of the department in the areas of training 580900 "State and Municipal Administration" and 530500 "Law" is carried out on the basis of the State Educational Standards of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Program 580900 "State and Municipal Administration", Specialties:
- "Public Administration"
- "Public Administration and Social Economy"
- "Public Administration and Economics of Sustainable Development"
- "Local Government and Self-Government"
- "Digital Public Administration"
- "State and Municipal Administration"
- "State Policy of National Security"
- "Public Policy and Management"
- "Management of State and Municipal Information Systems"
Program 530500 "Law", Specialties:
- "Lawyer in the field of Civil Service"
- "Digital Jurisprudence"